We are proud to have been a member of the Obama Media Team, helping an underdog, first-term Senator win the Democratic nomination and then election as the first African-American President of the United States, while revolutionizing the modern political campaign. In 2012 we worked with President Obama’s Super PAC – Priorities USA – and the League of Conservation Voters to help re-elect him by a strong margin. And we are proud to have worked to support Joe Biden’s campaign for president, with a sustained, national campaign on behalf of progressive allies Future Forward, the League of Conservation Voters, and Protect Our Care. We had two goals in mind – detailing the failures of the Trump Administration when it came to his callousness, division, and outright corruption as well as broadcasting the new, bold Biden vision to unite the country and get our economy back on track. Examples of this two-pronged approach began in early 2020 – and included targeted broadcast, OTT/CTV streaming, and digital in critical swing states, based on extensive quantitative and qualitative analysis. Throughout the presidential election, we remained focused on the battleground states – which ultimately proved critical in providing President Biden the margin of victory after a hard-fought campaign.